Captain Brad Bartholomew

Retired Airline Pilot & Concerned Citizen

After 20,000+ flights delivering 2 million passengers safely on the ground. Brad spent 10 years in the United States Air Force as an instructor followed by 30+ years for a major US airline.

Brad joined flying via Reserve Officers’ Training Corps at Duke University. Bartholomew has worked as a Registered Investment Advisor and wrote the Newfoundland Group newsletter for the aviation investment community.

In 2020, he published: Safe Landings – a Flight Plan and Checklist for Building a Renewed America.

From living in Pakistan in his youth to working for a great American company as a pilot and union member, Bartholomew experienced the world from a unique vantage point.

His greatest joy comes from family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

Passions, Published Material & More

1990 – Herb Kelleher & Colleen Barrett dinner notes.


1997 - 2001 Published:  The Newfoundland Group Newsletter. Correctly predicted 29 out of 31 union votes & costed out labor contracts for investors. 

2000 – “Remove U.S. Airlines From Railway Labor Act” – published as Viewpoint in Aviation Week and Space Technology, September 11, 2000.

2002 – “Labor Relations with a Wired Work Force” – article published in Handbook of Airline Economics – Executive Editor Darryl Jenkins, 2002

2002 – “Believing in the Southwest Model” written & placed in every Southwest Airlines pilot’s box.  This personally costed us $3000+ which pissed off my wife.

2002 – Money Magazine naming Southwest Airlines (LUV) the number one stock on NYSE from 1972 to 2002

2003 – “Unions Must Stop Flying into Thunderstorms” Aviation Daily, January 31, 2003

2006 – “Tax-Free Executive Pay” Letter to editor – Wall Street Journal, January 4, 2006

2012 – (my failed whistle blower attempt) I privately wrote Southwest Airlines Board of Director with safety concerns.  The BOD investigated my letter and found no reason for meaningful changes.  Later, when I told Southwest I was going to publicly release the letter the Southwest Airlines General Counsel threaten me with legal action and firing.    When my wife – she is the smart one - found out what happened, I stopped.

FYI – I suspect the same safety concerns I saw at SWA were also brewing at Boeing.  Did this same mindset led SWA & Boeing leadership to build and buy the Boeing 737 Max aircraft (which I flew) without telling the pilots about the MCAS system? …thus killing 100’s.  I was certified to fly the Max by watching a couple hours of videos. From my perspective, this same “maximize shareholder value” mentally - which led to safety short cuts to save pilot training costs - directly led to the slow demise of two of America’s greatest aviation American companies.   Two companies I deeply respected and LUVed.

2020 – Published Safe Landings book - purchase on Amazon

2023 – created “GroupThink 3.0” video series -   YouTube @bradbartholomew5758

2024 – created “America’s Worst Enemy: Our Divided Society” podcast


Interests & Activities 

1979                          Graduated Duke University

1980                          Graduated USAF Pilot Training

1980 - 1990             Pilot: United States Air Force & Arizona National Guard

1987 - 2020             Captain Southwest Airlines

1990 - 1994             CFO Broadview Homes - Family Custom Home Builder

1996                          Moved to Southlake, Texas with wonderful wife, two great young kids and Newfoundland dog

1995 - 1996             Airline Consultant - Virgin Express Airlines

2001 – present      Member Grapevine Presbyterian Men’s Bible Study 

2002 - 2005             Chairperson Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee, City of Southlake

2003 - 2008             Airline Analyst - Gerson Lehrman Group 

2007 - 2014             TSA Federal Flight Deck Officer (carried gun in cockpit)

2009 - 2012             Registered Investment Advisor - Partner Beacon Bay Asset

2021                          Became a grandparent for first time

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